2009 was a good year.
there was the end of my freshman year... camping, basketball games, all nighters, dances, new friends and some of the greatest people around. unfortunately this came with a lot of goodbyes, but mostly see you soons.
there was the reuniting of three of the best friends there ever was. needless to say MEC's comeback was one of the greatest.
there was long summer nights and cold winter ones.
there was a lot of good music and television.
there were homecomings and farewells and a lot of rights and wrongs.
there were lessons learned and things remembered.
then there was london and the best three and a half months ever. plus 40 new best friends and a new found love for a distant city.
and finally the best christmas break ever.
so here's to 2009. a good year... a great year even.
but now it's on to the next one.
hello 2010...i know you are bound to be successful. and i look forward to the surprises ahead.
and even more, here's to another decade. one that will surely bring even more change and good times. the 00's were great but i have high hopes for the 10's.
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